Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Imagination of My Future Company

The semester has almost done and I think the most efficient class is Consumer behavior. As a marketing major student, this class directly relates to  my future job and business. I understood the knowledge of Consumer behavior, but I think the most significant take-away from this class is the logic way to analyze consumer behavior and use it in strategic marketing plan. My last 18 blogs talk a lot about what I learnt about consumer behavior. I want to summarize the ideas about how to apply those knowledge to my future business.

After 3 to 5 years' working experience, I will start my own business. Even I have no idea about want specific area or industry that I will touch, I found my interest is in Chines culture. How to connect Chines culture well with consumer behavior become the main point. I did some research, I found, it is a trend that more and more people attend to study Chinese culture in order to improve the skills to manage companies and employees. However, the majority of people believe the western culture is better for business. First, If I want to expand and persuade people come to study Chinese culture, the predictably irrational should be consider. Consumer trust western culture but misdoubt Chinese culture is predictably irrational, because it is same as American choose Californian red wine but do not choose the red wine, which comes from North Coronado. Changing consumers' idea about Chinese culture is hard, but if I advertise it through western culture, it might become easier for consumer to accept. Second, as I mentioned Chines culture becomes more and more popular, and all kinds of course appears, e.g. lecture in classroom, study and experience in Chinese temple. Consumer have all different choice to study Chinese culture. The main idea in The Paradox of Choice is more is less. More choice is not good for consumer to make decision. My company become one more choice for consumer when they choose to learn. They might fail to make the decision about learning Chinese culture. How can make consumers to decide to choose my company from a batch of choice? I believe the best way is to pretend that all of consumers are maximizes. Maximizes always maximize everything, especially price and quality. In my ads or communication with consumers, the main topic is expressing why my product and service is unique and it is easy for consumers to find the max benefits, because people make a decision that can maximize the benefits that they can earn.

Besides those two imagination about how to apply consumer behavior to my future business, there are a large number of methods and knowledge that will help me a lot, like content marketing, run purpose campaigns, respect and analyze culture and subculture, and so on. I believe the specific idea or method of consumer behavior is not as significant as grasping the way to analyze consumer behavior. Time always changes, we can not control consumer behavior in time but the way to find and analyze consumer behavior cannot change. In sum, it is a good start for me to do marketing and consumer behavior will play an important role in my whole business life.

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